Nature Center

Exploring Creation

41.2266° N, 75.2676° W

Here you can learn more about (1) hiking our trails, (2) animals & plants, and (3) classes for a more in-depth experience.

Experience Nature!

Take a Walk or Hike

Experience the outdoors on seven woodland trails and paths through variable terrain and ever-changing beauty.


(1) GREEN Nature Trail (easy .33 mi.) – this short path circles from behind Carol Cottage to Spruce Lake, with several views of the lower waterfall along the way. Take a break on a bench to listen to the sounds!

(2) ORANGE Ruffed Grouse Trail (moderate .57 mi.) – the most direct path to the Youth Campus, this trail goes through a rhododenron thicket, especially beautiful in the winter.

(3) BLUE Snowshoe Trail & Loop (moderate 1.33 mi.) – a pretty woodland circuit that touches on our disc golf course, with a spur that links to Mountainside Lodges.

(4) WHITE Fox Run Trail (easy .36 mi.) – a short, delightful trail goes from the Blue Trail through a stand of evergreens, then crosses the top of Skyhigh Lane to follow a wide grassy path to its juncture with Hickory Path.

(5) RED Whitetail Trail (moderate 2.09 mi.) – Experience tumbling creeks, an old homestead, and open sky views on this varied curcuit around our Youth Campus.

(6) YELLOW Spruce Mountain Trail (difficult 1.65 mi.) – the most challenging, yet one of the best-loved trails. At the pace that’s right for you, most experience levels can successfully do this hike to enjoy the awesome mountain vista and the upper waterfalls.

(7) GRAY Hickory Path + Loop (moderate 1.0 mi. / entire loop 2.5 mi.) – a pleasant gravel path generally flat or rolling, free of big stones and roots for easy walking. From the Retreat Center to Mountainside Lodges on Skyhigh Lane, it then intersects with Wilderness Road below the Youth Campus. Follow the road through the Youth Campus and back to the Retreat Center for the full circuit.

Explore the Nature Center

Take your time in the interactive Nature Center to sample all it has to offer. 

(1) Our staff will introduce our resident reptiles to you, explaining how they live, and allowing you to touch or even hold some of them.

(2) Learn about mammals native to North America and our local region, represented by large wall mounts and smaller displays. You’ll be amazed to realize how huge a moose is, and appreciate where a mountain goat can go!

(3) Delve into more detail when you use the Interactive Nature Directory that’s set up on a desktop computer.

    Take a Class

    We offer classes that acquaint you more intimately with our wildlife neighbors, and tune your spiritual awareness of God.

    Classes are 1-3 hours long for up to 20 people, offered on Saturdays. Hours are posted at the Front Desk.


    Science Classes

    (1) REPTILES

    Meet our resident reptiles — corn snakes, leopard geckoes and more — and discover how God has marvelously formed each of them for successful living in the wild.

    (a) Receive general knowledge about reptiles.

    (b) Learn about their defense mechanisms and unique strategies for survival.

    (c) Compare the similarities and differences among different reptiles and why they were made that way.

    Job 12:7-10: “…ask the animals and they will teach you, or the birds of the sky and they will tell you…in His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”

    (2) BOTANY

    Plants are everywhere – but how well do you know them and their vital place in our world? Study some of the plants on Spruce Lake’s property; learn about both native and invasive species living here.

    (a) Look at various types of plants and how they are generally categorized.

    (b) “Role play” – think about the role various plants play in nature’s network of relationships.

    (c) Reflect on how has God provided for us with these plants, and how we can steward these provisions well.

    Genesis 1:29: “See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.”


    Is there a specific science class you wish we had listed? Your interest excites us, and we’ll do our best to satisfy your curiosity.


    Spirituality Classes


    It can be easy to take our senses for granted! Think about how we experience life through touch, taste, sight, sound and smell – so many ways to experience God’s world! As we explore, we will be on high alert as we focus on each of the five senses.

    (a) In the classroom or on a hike, practice focusing on one sense at a time.

    (b) Experience things absent the other senses to gain a new perspective.

    (c) Consider how the senses bring God’s world in to us, and how we in turn help others “sense” God.

    2 Corinthians 2:15-1: “We are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life.”

    (2) ART

    God is the Master Artist whose creativity is beyond compare!  Sometimes we overlook the power of art for moving our hearts, stretching our thinking, and inspiring us to a deeper connection with God. Bring your own creativity to this class, as it is your expression that can create the experience with God. We will focus less on the details of how to produce your art and be more attuned to the process.

    (a) Using different mediums, work through your own spiritual journey.

    (b) Embrace the uniqueness that comes from your God-planted, individual perspective.

    (c) Create a masterpiece!

    Isaiah 64:8: “But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are the potter; and all of us are the work of your hand.”


    Is there a specific spirituality class you wish we had listed? Give us your request and we’ll see what we can do!