Year-Long Internship


41.2266° N, 75.2676° W

Internship Opportunities with Spruce Lake

Hands-on ministry experience to develop the next generation of Christian leaders! 


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Primary roles: Get direct ministry experience by assisting in one of the following areas – Youth Ministry, Media, Marketing, Food Service, Housekeeping or Maintenance! 

Secondary roles: Get a peek behind the curtain of how camp ministry runs with experience in custodial, housekeeping, office, food service, and maintenance.

Spruce Lake Retreat worker handing out popcorn
girl holding a bucket during camping ministry


Gain valuable experience in multiple areas of camp! Learn from camp professionals as you get a glimpse of what camping ministry looks like from multiple perspectives.

These cross-department opportunities will allow you to add to your repertoire and have a more complete picture of camp in general. 


  1. Weekly discipleship: Each month, walk alongside a different full-time staff member through various book studies. 
  2. Weekly trainings: Launch deeper into your understanding of camp with weekly trainings led by the Program Director.  
  3. Monthly mentor meetings: Expand your network by meeting monthly with your full-time staff mentor. Come ready with questions and ready to learn!
  4. End-of-year presentation: Use your knowledge and passion to present an area of camp that you think can be improved to our leadership team. 


    Go to our resources section to download a sample copy of a weekly schedule.

    Having a good time during discipleship and leadership development


    Take what you’ve learned in the first nine months and use it in a leadership role on our summer team!

    Positions will be a contribution of your primary role and build on skills developed throughout the year! 

    Check out our summer staff job descriptions!


    Earn $10.50 an hour while gaining valuable ministry experience.

    Housing and meals (when meals are being served in the dining hall) are provided. 

    Get full-time staff benefits—health insurance, paid time-off, discounts, room vouchers, and more! 

      Worker helping in the kitchen - Earn $10 an hour while gaining valuable ministry experience
      partnership with Eleven:6 - Earn a master’s degree in organizational leadership


      Earn a master’s degree in organizational leadership in a setting where your classwork integrates with your job!  

      Academic enrollment is made possible through our partnership with Eleven:6, an organization that designs and launches custom university-grade leadership and discipleship training programs with a growing network of churches, Christian camps, mission agencies, and other faith-driven organizations. 

      Is there an age requirement for AGAPE participants?

      AGAPE is designed for individuals 20-25 years of age. 

      Do I need to be a college graduate?

      No, our minimum education requirement is a high-school education or equivalent.  

      How many hours will I be working each week?

      Although AGAPE team members are guaranteed 30 hours per week, most weeks they will work closer to 40. 

      Where will my housing be?

      For your convenience, you will live on-site in one of our staff housing buildings. Housing is typically dorm-style with a shared kitchen and bathroom. 

      What do I do for meals?

      Whenever meals are served in Spruce Lodge’s dining room, you can eat there for free. If you want something else or meals aren’t being served, you will have access to a kitchen to cook what you want. 

      What will my schedule look like?

      Since AGAPE team members are cross-departmental, the schedule can vary on a weekly basis. Go to our resources section to download a sample copy of a weekly schedule.

      Keep in mind that depending on your roles, your schedule may look different.

      How long is the AGAPE Program?

      AGAPE is a year-long program; it begins and ends on Labor Day Weekend. 

      Will I work weekends?

      Due to the nature of camping ministry, AGAPE members will be expected to work some weekends. If you work for a weekend, you’ll be given time off during the week. We strive for members to get at least two Sundays off each month. 

      What should I bring with me?

      For a detailed packing list, see our resources section.

      How does time off work?

      Personal days will accrue at the rate of one-day-per-month and vacation time will accrue to earn five for the whole year. Submit time-off requests (whether paid or unpaid) to the Program Director. 

      Do I have to do the master’s program?

      The master’s program is completely optional. See our resources section for more details about this opportunity. 

      Do we have off on holidays?

      Since Spruce Lake is in the hospitality industry, there are no paid holidays. However, time-off requests can still be submitted for holidays if you would like to have them off! 

      How much time do I spend in my primary role(s)?

      Due to the nature of the camp calendar, some seasons are busier than others. In the summer, 100% of your time will be spent in your summer role. In the winter, closer to 50% will be spent on your primary role(s). This will be different from member to member. 

      Where are past interns now?

      Many of our past interns are working in direct ministry today. One of our interns from the program’s first year, Moraya, now serves full-time on Spruce Lake’s youth ministry team! Others serve in other capacities at Spruce Lake, as well as other ministries and Christian schools.