Apply for Summer Positions

at Spruce Lake

41.2266° N, 75.2676° W

Have an awesome summer serving at Spruce Lake!

Each summer we look for individuals who want to have a positive influence on the lives of young people — and spend lots of time outdoors! Join our team of ministry leaders who work together to create an atmosphere of adventure, friendly security, and relationship-building that can last a lifetime!

Spruce Lake has built a reputation for young adult role models through whom campers and guests can experience God’s love. Many campers dream of working at Spruce Lake some day; many of our ministry leaders are past campers whose counselors made a huge impact on their lives.

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Summer Camp Team Positions

Junior Leaders in Training

The Junior LIT program for ages 15-18 is a week-long introduction to serving at Spruce Lake, a great first step to being on our ministry team in the future! You’ll get opportunities to serve behind the scenes and see all the things that happen to make camp function smoothly. The program includes service around camp, fun group activities, and discipleship formation led by our staff. We will dive into the concept of Who God Is and His Lordship in our lives. 

2025 Dates: 

  • Session 1: June 15-20
  • Session 2: July 27-August 1



  • Ages 15-18.
  • Possess a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be in agreement with our statement of faith.
  • Be available for the entire week of service.
  • Pay the registration fee of $119 per session, which covers lodging, meals & activities.

Senior Leaders in Training

Become a positive, fun-loving role model so kids can experience God’s love in practical, daily ways. The Senior LIT program for ages 16-18 builds on experiences from the Junior LIT Program. This training includes opportunities to serve, being discipled by our staff, and time with campers in the Day Camp and Overnight Camp programs. We will explore topics like “Walking as a Servant,” “God’s Word in your Life,” and “Being an Obedient Follower of Jesus.”   This experience can propel you into an awesome summer ministry role at Spruce Lake.    

2025 Dates:  

  • Session 1:   June 21-July 4
  • Session 2:  July 5-18



  • Ages 16-18.
  • Possess a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be in agreement with our statement of faith.
  • Be available for the entire 2 weeks of service.
  • Initiate the process by submitting references and applications in good time.  Most of our LIT confirmations occur between January and March.
  • Be available for a personal phone interview.
  • Once you are accepted, register for the appropriate week using the camper on-line registration feature.
  • Pay the registration fee of $229 per session, which covers lodging, meals & activities.

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Wilderness Camp Summer Team

There are over 30 summer work and volunteer positions to fill as Wilderness Camp serves young people ages 7-18 in our weekly overnight camp program and off-site trips. To see a listing of positions that are generally open, click here.

Summer ministry positions at Wilderness Camp include 2 weeks of training and pre-camp work, plus the 8-10 weeks of camp, depending on the position.

Training in American Red Cross life-guarding is provided, if needed, as are instructions in belaying for the climbing elements in our Adventure Program.  Top off an already rewarding experience with the skills and personal development that can boost your resume.


  • Be in the habit of nurturing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and be in agreement with our statement of faith.
  • Be willing to commit the majority of your summer to training and service, from approximately June 1 to approximately August 5.
  • Be qualified for the positions you are seeking.
  • Initiate the process by submitting references and an application in good time.  Most of our summer hires occur between January and April.

Be available for a personal interview and provide permission for us to do appropriate background checks.


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Day Camp Summer Team

Our Day Camp program is growing as we serve kids ages 5-15 from the local community around Spruce Lake. Each summer we look for individuals who love interacting with children, helping to create an atmosphere of fun adventure, friendly security, and relationship-building that can point children’s lives toward Christ! You’ll spend a significant portion of your time outdoors each day, leading and guiding campers through their various activities.

Day Camp Summer Opportunities:

  • Male & Female Counselors (ages 17 and older) – Be a fun-loving, caring mentor for children ages 5-15. Oversee their daily activities and keep them safe, help lead Bible studies, music and singing with the kids. Be their wise guide as well as someone with whom campers can simply be kids having fun!
  • Program Assistant (ages 21 and older) Work alongside the Program Manager to develop and manage all the fun and educational activities that campers do each week.


  • Committed to growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ and are in agreement with Spruce Lake’s statement of faith.
  • Willing to commit the required number of weeks of the summer to training and service.
  • Qualified for the positions you are seeking.
  • Ready to submit references and an application in good time. Most of our summer hires occur between January and April.
  • Available for a personal interview, and willing to provide permission for the required background checks.

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Retreat Center Summer team.

Retreat Center Summer Team

We have a variety of summer team and ministry leader positions available at our Retreat Center in such areas as Retreat Programming, Food Service, groundskeeping and maintenance, and more.

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Summer Workers will experience

  • Opportunities to develop a more intimate relationship with God.
  • A variety of work experiences that include lifeguarding, facilitating worship, teaching children and youth, making guest rooms inviting, leading family recreation, serving great meals, maintenance and more!
  • Opportunity to be part of a positive team atmosphere.
  • Opportunities to build new friendships through social interaction with other members of the summer team.

Summer Ministry Leaders will be able to:

  • Discover themselves – their strengths, weaknesses, gifts, abilities and passions for ministry and life choices.
  • Learn to value all aspects of ministry, including those that tend not to receive recognition.
  • Learn the importance of rest and balance.
  • Participate in scheduled times of refreshment, relaxation and renewal.
  • Work hard and have fun.

How to Apply for Summer Positions

Apply Online – the online system will automatically generate a Reference Form and direct it to each of your selected references.

Apply Online Today


    Summer Volunteer Opportunities

    Wilderness Camp, Day Camp and Retreat Center look for volunteers every year to help support these summer programs. Serve campers and guests in a variety of roles and invest your time in pointing people toward Christ.

    Summer, 2025

    • Wilderness Camp is looking for people to volunteer in the kitchen most weeks of camp, June – August, 2025.
    • Wilderness Camp is looking for Registered Nurses to volunteer for a week of overnight camp, June – August, 2025.

    Apply online to volunteer
