Among the favorite attractions at Spruce Lake are the Snack and Gift Shops, where you can leisurely browse and visit, all while supporting the ministry of Spruce Lake.
Spruce Lake
Oak Leaf Gift Shop
Our Gift Shop is located on the fourth floor of Spruce Lodge next to the front desk. You’ll find attractive clothing, fair-trade jewelry, decorative household items, camping supplies, books and lots more! Weekly hours are posted at the front desk Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends. During September through May, groups may request hours to visit the Gift Shop.
Wagon Wheel Snack Shop
Always popular, our Snack Shop is a friendly place for food and conversation.
During the summer, Memorial Day through Labor Day weekends, the Snack Shop is open most days of the week with the full menu. Hours are posted at the Snack Shop and at the Front Desk in Spruce Lodge.
During fall, winter and spring (after Labor Day and up to the next Memorial Day), the Snack Shop is either closed or open only at limited hours (some Saturdays), and usually with a scaled-back menu.
During the main summer season, one can choose from a variety of delicious ice cream options – shakes, floats, sundaes and cones. Also on the menu are grilled sandwiches, fryer options that include fries, pierogi and chicken tenders, plus a variety of chips, candy and snacks, hot and cold drinks.